DBS Warri

Warri Radio and Televiion Station

Radio Delta Melody FM Warri

88.6 melody FM radio Delta Broadcasting Service Warri
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The public radio station in Warri, Delta State Nigeria. Listen to radio Delta melody FM for entertaining and up to date information and lots of other exciting programs.

Morning Show – Melody FM’s Morning Show, hosted by veteran broadcasters with up-to-date information on local, national and global news.

Talk Radio – Commentary and stories relevant to Warri, Delta State and Nigeria as a whole are broadcast every day on Melody FM and they cover topics ranging from politics and social issues to entertainment.

Your Call – A listener interaction program featuring everyday people discussing issues affecting their lives.

Call in or write in to have your say about current topics of the day including business, agriculture, education and culture in Delta State and the rest of Nigeria.

Sports Talk – Sports fans can tune into this show for entertaining analysis of popular sports such as football, basketball and cricket that is focused on the region’s teams.

They also look at NCAA championships during this hour long show each weekday afternoon at 3pm.

Music Festival – Twice a year Melody FM hosts a live music festival that celebrates traditional Yoruba music from around Delta State as well as pop from regional artists.

The event is free to attend and some of the most popular performers even come away with cash prizes for their performances!

Promotions – Throughout the year Melody FM offers special promotions that give listeners chances to win prizes for answers to trivia questions asked commercial-free throughout the day broadcasts including radio dramas like Dangote The Market Expander on Tuesdays at 11: 30am after The Mix Up Lounge Show which follows between 10am & 12noon

Community Support– As part of its efforts to be an integral member of the Warri community, during 2020 Melofy FM began running Teacher Training Courses using their resources to help local educators get certified while attending our FREE workshops or through specially designed activity materials provided by sponsors & partners of our station

One Comment to Radio Delta Melody FM Warri

  1. Good evening,
    Please does Radio Delta still have the Saturday morning talk show about Road safety ? I just arrived warri after years away , I remember years ago when it hold at around 10 am.
    Do the program still hold ? And what time now ?

    Thank you
    Kelly Otus

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